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Safely store all of your fresh and frozen items in this Haden tall fridge freezer. With 120 litres of usable space and multiple storage options in the fridge, there’s room for bulky items like a Sunday joint or a large pizza. 53 litres of freezer space mean you’ll never struggle to fit in awkwardly shaped items again. Use the two adjustable shelves, three door balconies, and one salad bin to store your fresh food with ease. Keep commonly used items in the door for easy access, and place fruit and veg in the salad bin to keep them crisp. And, the HFF150WE features reversible doors which make it a convenient addition to your kitchen.

  • Category: Refrigeration


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Key Features

  • 173L capacity
  • Range of storage options
  • Reversible doors

Product Dimensions (H x W x D)

150cm x 47cm x 56.6cm